How Do I Implement An Effective Affiliate Program for My Online Casino?

A Solid Affiliate Program Would Bring Massive Benefits For An Online Casino

Starting an online casino will be a measure someone could take up the task and get it running if all the necessary setup requirements are being met. Most times, the challenge is how to drive traffic back to the site.

We cannot forget the fact that working on the site SEO, setting up PPC ads, advertisements on the media or even offline awareness are also great ways of getting good traffic. Nevertheless, affiliates programs are far more reliable with better ROI, return on investment, if implemented effectively in an online casino.

Who are the Affiliates?

The answers you give to the above question will determine the productivity of the affiliation you chose. A professional or guru in a line of business should be someone that has ample knowledge of that business.

An affiliate is not just someone that runs a website and decides that he will be able to send traffic as an affiliation to an online casino. In online casinos, affiliates are majorly the users of casinos that got huge experience, they are the real players, but they do blog, video streaming sharing their expertise and experience with other users.

They know the way around online casinos, understand the gaming, and knows how to use their websites to pull traffic to their affiliation online casino.

Furthermore, they gain trust with their affiliate program by providing tips and tricks to users on their websites, forums, etc. Also, the effective online affiliate strategizes to build more links with SEO best practices, which in turn will boost their ranking on the search engine.

Achieving these measures automatically sets the affiliate website as a platform that gets traffic for monetization. This is now ready to send traffic to the owners of online casinos.

Affiliates program is an excellent platform for online casino operators using their affiliation for the best analysis, forecast, and optimal profit maximization.

How does an Affiliate Promote an Online Casino?

Affiliates use banners and referral links to direct traffic from their website to online casinos for promotion.  The main aim is to drive traffic to these online casinos for monetization, and this practice has to be very useful for online casinos for its channeling of traffics that is most relevant for optimal conversions.

Another factor that makes this promotion very useful is that affiliate websites provide information that actually of high importance to the betting decision of users;

  • Guides on gaming
  • Rankings of online casinos
  • Online casinos that have been listed on the blacklist

This information attracts online casino players; they search for it organically on the internet, in which the users will easily use the promotion links or banners on the affiliate website to access the online casino site of their choice.

Affiliate websites are mainly in two categories;

  • This category website portal targets a wide range of audiences cutting across almost everything that connects with online gaming.
  • A niche type of affiliate that its website portal focuses on specialized online casino.

What is Casino Bonus?

It is a strategy used by online casino operators to offer players on their site something extra as a casino bonus. Upon registration, they might decide to offer a no deposit casino bonus, in which some of them come with a wager first on the part of the player.

Other casino bonuses might be given as part of a promotion or a welcome back package for users.

How do affiliates make returns?

An affiliate gets paid by online casinos for sending traffic from their website to the online casino site. These payments come in different forms;

1. Cost Per Action( CPA)

This is when online casinos are offering a fixed rate to every user. A casino might decide to declare free registration, which in most cases, the users need to wager before the affiliates get paid. The affiliates pay an increase in rate as the user’s numbers grow.

2. Share in Revenue

In this model, affiliates partake in revenue sharing, getting some percentage from the net revenue generated from referred users. Most members prefer these models based on long-term benefits should it appear the users they refer to keeps using the same casino platform.

Online casino operators also prefer this model because it encourages affiliates to work harder in referring to quality users.

3. Mixed Type of Returns

This approach most times are given to top profile affiliates by casino operators whereby the CPA and the Share in Revenue are both combined as the casino revenue. At times some casino even makes upfront payments together with CPA and Share in Revenue afterward.

Providing a win-win platform partnership between your casino and the affiliates creates a more flexible and stronger bond for an effective program.

What Makes Affiliate Marketing Effective for Online Casino?

As earlier discussed, affiliate marketing for online casinos has many more advantages than other promotions done online. The following reasons will further quench the doubts;

1. Applying the tracking method

Web developers know their way around developing tracking devices in the form of software or plugin for effective analysis of traffic flow.

Online casino operators take advantage of this tool, using it for their affiliate links and banners for optimal analysis of different sources of traffic to their site. The result of these analyses provides a clearer picture of the most effective source of traffic, making the best decision on which affiliates program to switch to.

2. Measurable data analysis

Investing money in marketing online casinos, you might be able to figure out the exact amount of returns you make in other platforms of marketing. Still, with affiliate marketing, it is easier to calculate the actual returns even to the least amount spent.

These adequate means of measurable data analysis provides the online casino operators the advantage to know the more effective affiliate program.

3. Using a payment system that favors performance

If you consider payment based on CPA, click per action; it merely says I give you directly proportional ROI to whatever traffic you bring to my online casino site.

The higher the amount you payout to affiliate operators, you get the corresponding ROI for your investment. You make real sales from most of, if not all, of your traffic.

4. Building brand name and reputation

Running affiliate programs with established affiliates create conviction in the minds of users that your brand is trustworthy and reliable; this will provide long-lasting patronage from the user to your online casino.

How to Connect the Right Affiliates?

In choosing affiliates, there are best ways to make connections that will last on a very long time;

  • Place your adverts on media that specializes in this niche: When you place adverts for an affiliate program for your online casino site on adverts platforms, media, or websites that specializes in this, it’s easier to have a good analysis of the right affiliate that matches with your need and budget using their reviews and recommendations.
  • Announcing your intention: Telling persons you know in the online casino industry with word of mouth might be of great help connecting you with the right affiliate.
  • Visit conferences of affiliates program: Several affiliates program is scheduled occasional at different places across the world. Where they share their experiences, get to know more things on the field of specialization, and close new deals with operators of online casinos.

This will be a great platform to meet up and get a deal with the right affiliates.


Understanding the benefits of this knowledge shared in this article, the best ways to implement an effective affiliate program for my online casino, I believe it’s a positive game-changing direction for best practice.