Why Land Based Casinos Should Embrace Live Gaming in a Post-Pandemic World?

Land Based Casinos need to adopt live gaming as we enter a truly digital age in order to keep up with the changing times!

Like all bad things, the pandemic era must come to an end. New norms will be applied. Shops and establishments will open, casinos will open—should their businesses survive.

And if your land-based casino business prevails once the pandemic is over, you might find that things are not the same again.

Either you accept this change with a sigh of relief, knowing that you’ve done right, or find yourself getting terrified, regretting not doing something about this sooner.

Dear friend, here’s why we think you should embrace live gaming:

Embrace live gaming because now that we’re still at the height of the pandemic era, people can’t freely go outside and enter the casino without getting scared about the coronavirus. When the casino closure regulations have been lifted during or after the pandemic, with everyone facing so many confirmed case counts, you can’t count on most of them, even your loyal players, to risk coming to your casino, and you can’t blame them for not doing so.

The new normal will persist for some months, or even years, in such a way that if your casino sticks to being purely land based casino, the growth of your business will be as slow as a turtle. You’re gonna realize that your players didn’t stay bored or waiting for your casino to open—they adapted live gaming.

Some of them would stick to live gaming even when your land based casino opens, making your business growth even slower. The risk persists because the slow growth of your business may not suffice with the expenses your business will be making to sustain itself. At this point, your casino is open, you have many staff members to pay in full, and having few players will be a major struggle.

When land based casinos are open again, there are some safety precautions that everyone needs to practice in land-based casinos: Alternate open and closed slot machines to keep players one seat apart, hourly and nightly cleanings of all tools used in the table—chips, dice, cards, plus the tables and chairs themselves, dividers installed so that employees and the players can distance themselves better, everyone wearing masks and even gloves.

These are necessary precautions, so they are good practices, but let’s not pretend that this stuff maintains the fun in the same degree: These practices are making playing less……..exciting. Gone are the days of people crowding over a table as someone’s about to win the Grand Jackpot. Gone are the days when your players can high-five or even hug strangers for being too happy to contain their emotions. Gone are the days when you can hang out at the casino bars and restaurants without being wary of anyone getting near you.

People are getting sick of staying at home, but everyone understands that this is what they need to do. So we gotta bring entertainment to their homes—and expanding your casino online is the way.

In land based casinos, there is a limit to how many people can bet on a game. Only 3 players per table following the social distancing precautions, only one player every two slot machines (where one of them is turned off). In live gaming, there won’t be a limit to how many players can bet on a single table game or on a single slot game. There can be as many of them, which means it’s gonna feel like you’re running business as normally as you did—only online.

Live gaming won’t make your players wary of who gets near them, because they’ll be comfortably playing at home. They can’t touch the cards, the chips, the dice, or the spin button, but they can be sure they’re safe at home.

Sticking to purely land based casino business amidst and after this pandemic is like sticking to pagers when everybody’s using smartphones. If you wanna keep being in business, you must follow the ways of adapting to the new lifestyles of the people during and after this pandemic. The Internet has been around enough for everyone to know that it is here to stay long-term.

It does sound like so much of a hassle especially if it’s the first time you’ve heard of it, but don’t worry: It’s much less work and hassle than you think.

Chat us up at Asia Live Tech and let’s see how you can extend your land based casinos into the online gaming world.